Frequently Asked Questions
Dallas Asphalt Paving and Dallas Concrete
Whether you are installing a brand-new driveway or just have a minor repair it is critical that you are fully knowledgeable of your investment. At Action Construction, we understand your concerns and above all want you to have the education needed so that you can make decisions you can be confident in. With that in mind, we have developed this page to answer some of your questions. If you have any further questions, we encourage you to speak with one of our experts who will be glad to help you. We can be contacted at 972-824-5722.
What is the difference between resurfacing and seal coating?
The difference between resurfacing and seal coating is that resurfacing is a structural repair that will extend the life of your driveway. Resurfacing includes patching and resurfacing of the entire surface with a new overlay of hot asphalt. Seal coating does not correct structural damage but is designed to improve aesthetic value also extend the life of your asphalt. Seal coating is also typically less expensive than resurfacing your drive.
Can I get asphalt in gray or any color other than black?
Essentially all asphalt is black. When the aggregate or stone are mixed together with hot asphalt it turns black. Over time, as the asphalt oxidizes, the coating breaks down and the color of the stones begins to show which leads to the “grayish” color if the stones are originally light colored.
When can I drive on my new drive?
Your new driveway can take up to 30 days to cure depending on temperature differences from night to day. However, you should be able to drive on the surface after two to three days if you are careful. For example, tire scuffmarks can result from turning the steering wheel when the vehicle is not in motion. If it is a hot day and the asphalt has not completely cured, the surface will get a blemish similar to grinding your heel into a soft surface.
Why does asphalt appear to have different textures?
Asphalt is made up of approximately 95% varied sizes of aggregates and 5% asphalt. Because the mixes come from a variety of asphalt plants throughout the Dallas, Fort Worth metroplex it is expected to see a variation in the texture of the asphalt.
What can be done to correct a drainage problem in my driveway?
In able for water to run off properly you should have a 2% ‘fall’ in the drive. This means that the grade or angle of the driveway should have a ¼” decline for each foot of pavement. Many driveways do not have this amount of grade and water ponds. There are a variety of solutions to this that include drains, swales and curbs. Contact Action Construction today to correct this problem.
Why shouldn’t I pave my driveway during the colder winter months?
When asphalt is mixed it is super heated to over 325° F. By the time it is put in a truck, shipped to the job site and installed on your project, it should still be a minimum of 250° to allow it to be properly compacted. Air temperature and the temperature of the ground also play a huge role in how long the asphalt is workable. This can range from several hours on a hot summer day to 10 minutes on a chilly morning.
I have grass growing in my new drive. How can this happen?
Properly compacted asphalt has 10% air voids in it. If a seed of grass gets into the mix and germinates unfortunately grass can grow. The best thing to do is spray the area with Round Up to kill the grass.
What can I do to help prevent the edges of my driveway from cracking?
The edges or shoulders of your driveway are the most vulnerable areas. If you put a lot of weight on the edge such as driving your car or lawn mower on the edge there is the possibility that the edge will crack or break off. We try to prevent this so to reduce pressure. You can also install seeded topsoil against the finished height of the asphalt once the job is complete.
How long will a new asphalt driveway or parking lot last?
You can expect your new driveway to last at least 30 years or more. If properly maintained, most driveway projects can last 40 to 50 years.
What will new asphalt look like when you are finished?
When brand new, the surface is very black. Sometimes roller marks can be seen and areas where hand work was done may be a bit more visible. However, after a short time of usage the surface will blend to a smooth appearance.
What is your procedure for installing a driveway or parking lot?
Our crew will come in to do the prep work, which may include grading your existing gravel or removing the old asphalt and excavating grass and dirt before installing gravel. The edges will be squared off and the grade will be determined to ensure proper drainage. Once the gravel is leveled off, it is rolled for maximum compaction. When the paving crew arrives, the driveway will be paved with 2″ – 3″ compacted hot asphalt. The asphalt is rolled with a 4-ton vibrating roller for complete compaction and then cold-rolled with a smaller roller for a smooth finish. Upon completion, the crew will put caution tape across the end of the drive to prevent accidental driving on the asphalt.
Each and every one of us at Action Construction hope that you have found this page to be helpful and informative. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us at 972-824-5722.
Thank you for your interest in Action Construction. We look forward to taking care of all your paving needs!
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